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Frequently Asked Questions
I help people find the root of their relationship issues and work through them to have the healthiest relationship possible.
Nope, not at all. Coaching is very results-based, faster and more effective in achieving outcomes! Think of your coach as a partner that guides you to the answers you specifically need and quickly.
There are so so many reasons! You will be held accountable, motivated and have a competitive edge with yourself to achieve more. You will learn to identify emotions, control them and shift perspectives for years to come. Most importantly though, its like traveling, You can drive and get there in a few days- or you can fly and be there in a few hours. A Coach is your plane ticket!
I Use NLP ( Neurolinguistic Programming) along with several other proven strategies to Identify, heal, teach and overcome the things in the way of what you desire.
Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) starts with understanding how the brain is wired to receive information such as emotion, our senses and the thoughts and behaviors that derive from them. Picture a spaghetti bowl with loads of noodles interwoven together. The noodles represent our Neuro pathways that link things together for sending and receiving information. NLP is finding Neuro pathways that connect from one thing (typically unhelpful or even destructive) to another and helping to reset the path to the client’s desired result. In my profession, we call this rewiring; it can be done through many different NLP modalities.
In short Yes! Most people don’t know that we have a relationship with more than just family, friends and co-workers. We have a relationship with people, places, things, money, our past, future and ourselves too. ALL relationships are important and can often be improved!
Schedule a consult and we can dig deep into what is causing your greatest suffering and choose which package is right for you. If its non-specific, Dawning bliss creates custom tailored packages as needed.
When you consider what its costing you NOT having one, its very inexpensive and worth it. Consider that Divorce and Bankruptcy cost a ton of money, energy and emotion. So does being single, lonely and longing. Procrastination, fear and being stuck cost your pocket book too, so I see coaching as the best thing you can invest in, to save you from the holes in your financial bucket.
It’s easy to communicate that with your coach, who will navigate and pivot as needed to meet your specific needs. If that doesn’t help, we can always discuss the unenrolling and refund policy.